God - Our miracle worker today!
Read Romans 4:13-22 The word "promise" appears 4 times (verses 13,14,16 and 20) and also appears as a verb "promised" in verse 21. This...
God - Our miracle worker today!
Baptised, not to be saved, but because we have been saved
Abraham believed the Lord
Worship, Witness, Praise and Promotion
We have been reunited with God through Christ
All Under Sin
God's Righteousness towards the Jews
Be Made Clean by the Spirit
The Law - Condemnation and Judgement
What Divides Us From Others?
The Link Between Idolatry and Sin
The Righteousness From God
Mutually Encouraged by Each Other’s Faith
The Obedience of Faith
Intro to the Epistle to the Romans
Parables about Service
Parables about Compassion
Parables About Our Relationship with Jesus
Parables About Our Behaviours Towards Others
Parables about the Worth of the Kingdom