Tottenham Baptist Church
West Footscray

What happens on Sundays?
Sunday morning family worship services commence at 10am. Our service is in English, however, some things may be in Spanish and translated. The message is in English and translated to Spanish via a Zoom link. The style of the service varies from week to week, sometimes more traditional in nature, other times contemporary. Communion services are held on the 1st Sunday of each month. Following the service, we enjoy a tea or coffee, and usually food, together to build fellowship and meet guests.
For Sunday School (our Children's ministry), parents are asked to sign in their children and then proceed to the main hall for the service. Children are invited to Sunday School after the praise and worship part of the service, before the message. Our friendly team can assist you on your arrival.
Children from crèche to 7 years old are encouraged to attend our class held in the portable, before the message, in order to provide parents time to be focused and rejuvenated by the Word.
Children aged 8 to year 7 can attend Sunday School in the little chapel, where they follow a curriculum to help and encourage their journey with Jesus.
While our services are focused on the Gospel you don't need to be a Christian to attend, our message applies to both Christians and non-Christians. It is a great environment to hear Christians speak to one another about the value of Jesus and what this means for our lives.
Our history
Our journey here at Tottenham Baptist Church began in 1940, when a few families relocated to West Footscray. They gathered a new Church that drew from a rich tradition of living stories of community and mission. In 2001, the church invited the Spanish speaking congregation, with people from various parts of Latin America and Spain to participate in its story.
Our focus
Here at Tottenham we have 5 core values;
With these we aim to achieve 3 statements;
Love God,
Love each other
Share the Gospel.
Our team
Every member has a leadership role to play large or small across the church and its ministries.
The Pastor of the church oversees all those within his spiritual care, while the Diaconate consists of the Pastor and elected representatives of the church.
Our beliefs
We believe that men, inspired by God, wrote the scriptures and that the Holy Bible contains all the teaching necessary for man’s salvation and sanctification.
We believe that the scriptures teach the church of Jesus Christ is a called out assembly of believers, baptised by immersion, and in communion with the Living Christ and with all the saints who practice the laws of Christ, and do all things in accordance with the law.