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Our beliefs


We believe that men, inspired by God, wrote the scriptures and that the Holy Bible contains all the teaching necessary for man’s salvation and sanctification. It stands alone, as the supreme rule to which all judgement regarding conduct, belief and human opinion are to be subjected. In scripture we believe we truly see God and mankind depicted and the saviour of the world who is the Alpha and Omega of all things. Scripture requires nothing to be added to, nothing to be taken away and nothing to be changed; for it stands for all ages as truth. Thus we believe that the scriptures bind all men together and to Christ, the Lord of the church.

2 Tim 3:16   2 Peter 1:20-21   John 5:39    Romans 1:1-2



We believe that scripture reveals the one and only true God as maker and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth. We believe the scriptures reveal God progressively from Creator to Almighty, to All powerful, glorious in Holiness, complete in all Wisdom, and worthy to receive all honour, all glory and all power for He created all things and by His will they exist and were created.

Further we believe the scriptures reveal God as Triune, that is three in one. God the Father; God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, - co-existent and co-equal in divine perfection, in complete harmony as distinct officers are manifested.

Gen 1:1   John 17:3   Col 1:15-17  Rev 4:11  Gen 1:26   2 Cor 13:14   1 Tim 6:16   Exodus 15:11   Psalm 147:5



We believe that the scriptures teach that man was created in holiness, for fellowship with his creator, subject to His Law but wilfully transgressed from that holy and happy state. A result all humankind is now sinful, and the whole of creation groans, being in a continual state without the holiness demanded of the Holy God demands. As a consequence humankind is without excuse and has no defence lost and worthy only of eternal separation from God, His Maker.

Gen 3:19  Romans 5:12  Romans 6:23  1 John 3:4  Jer 17:9  Prov 4:23  Hebrews 3:12  1 Kings 8:46  Rom 3:23



We believe the scriptures reveal that God is the initiator of humankind’s salvation, having sent His only Son, in human form, to dwell among sinful man for the expiration of the sins of men. This was all of grace there being no good thing to be found in fallen mankind.

And being found in human form, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. He committed no sin, no guile was found on His lips therefore God has highly exalted Him so that at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bend and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father. His willing act of sacrifice, - for He who knew no sin was made sin for our sakes- cleanses us once and for all time from all unrighteousness. God shows His righteousness in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Scripture clearly states that there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.

Isaiah 53:6  John 1:29  Heb 9:28  Mark 10:45  Titus 2:11  John 10:11  1 John 2:2  1 John 4:14  1 Tim 2:66



We believe that the scriptures teaches that Jesus fulfilled the will of His Father, honoured His Father by His obedience in all things, being the Lamb of God who takes away our sin, exhibited in his walk upon this earth all the attributes of divinity lost in the First Adam. We believe that His tender Love is extended to all men for their redemption. The scriptures teach that being dead and buried He arose from the grave on the third day and after several appearances to men ascended into heaven and now sits upon the right hand of God, in Glory, from whence, He shall return on the Day of the Lord.

Phil 2:9  Eph 1:20  1 Peter 3:22  Hebrews 10:12  1 Cor 15:44-45  Hebrews 7:25



We believe that the scriptures teach that the salvation of humankind is entirely free- being all of grace and not of works lest any may should boast. Man is justified by faith, and faith alone, in the wonderful substitutionary work of Christ as a sacrifice for our sin. Therefore we enjoy a blessed state of forgiveness, peace with God and the assurance of eternal life. The scriptures also teach that we have favour with God FOR while we once were sinners we are now made the righteousness of God in Christ. The scripture teaches that this is but the beginning of our new creation in Christ for surely “eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared for him.”

Eph 2   Mark 10:45



We believe that the scriptures teach that the gospel news is for all men and the blessings of salvation is available for all. However it is the need of all to come in faith and repentance and obedience to freely accept the love of God in Christ Jesus. The only obstacle in the way of the very worst of sinners is that the same obstacle that stands in the way of the least of sinners. That is the free choice of man to respond and to overcome his perversity and his voluntary revulsion of the gospel truths. Continued revolt – against the call of Jesus to the sinner – will bring upon him who refuses the forgiveness offered worse condemnation.

Exo 19:5  Psalm 25:14  Psalm 103:17-18  Matt 29:19  2 Thes 1:8  Isaiah 45:22  Rev 22:17  John 6:40



We believe that the scriptures teach clearly that the power of the Holy Spirit effects regeneration in the soul and produces a holy character which is beyond our natural understanding.  A hunger for spiritual things is evidenced in the life of the new believer and clearly seen in acts of repentance and newness of life.  Also that this is a continuing work of God upon the soul of the redeemed in Christ.

1 Cor 1:22-24  1 Cor 2:14  2 Cor 4:6  Phl 2:13  1 Peter 1:8



We believe it follows that scripture is true and that repentance and faith are sacred deeds and they come from God, free and without charge.  The are all of grace and they are the work of the Holy Spirit as we become profoundly convinced of our guilt, and unworthiness, of our future danger and our complete inability to save ourselves.  In this state of wretchedness we see the way of salvation, we turn to Jesus confessing our sin, our need of Him for our personal Saviour, We receive His mercy gladly and hasten to crown Him Lord of our lives.  Scripture also promises that in due progress of grace we will trust Him completely as our all powerful Saviour, “able to save unto the uttermost all those who call upon His Name”.  As we grow in grace we will come under the teaching of scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to understand with all belief that the Lord Jesus offers Himself to us as prophet, priest and king and not only a Saviour. 

Acts 11:18  2 Tim 2:25  John 6:44  Phil 2:13  Matt 8:8-11



We believe that scripture teaches that the eternal purpose of God is the Salvation of humankind. Thus He regenerates – i.e. begins the work of salvation – justifies and saves sinners without taking from man his freedom of choice. God’s glorious forbearance is shown in that He moves with kindness and gentleness towards His eternal purpose. There is no room for man to boast and God graciously continues the work of bringing man to maturity in Christ. In all these days man must give his utmost diligence to allow the grace of God to work without hindrance.

2 Peter 3:9  John 3:16



We believe that in scripture we are clearly taught that water baptism, by immersion, is an act of obedience to the command of Jesus. Those who have confessed their faith in Christ are baptised in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe that by faithfully following this command we proclaim our new standing as a child of God, As the Saviour was buried and raised again so is the believer buried with Him in a death like His and raised again into newness of life. We believe that the scriptures do not teach that baptism is a cleansing of sin but is one of two sacraments instituted by our Lord.

Matt 28:19  Romans 6:3-6  Col 2:12  Acts 2:41  Mark 16:15-16



We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a provision of the Lord whereby we commemorate His death and resurrection. In fulfilling this, the second sacrament instituted by Jesus, we proclaim gospel truths, we proclaim our continued faith in Christ, we are thankful for all He has done for us (out of love for us), we are ministered to by God through an act of grace, and we express a joyful anticipation of the life to come. Thus scripture teaches that we come to the Lord’s table with fear and trembling, not being worthy so much as to eat the crumbs that fall from His table, and we very carefully examine ourselves to see whether we be in that state of grace required of such a worthy saviour.

Matt 26:26-29  Mark 14:22-25  1 Cor 11:23-32


THE DAY OF THE LORD (The Second coming of Jesus)

We believe that scripture teaches there will be a Day of the Lord when Jesus shall come again and claim His own. We believe He will bring with Him those who have died in the Lord. We believe that we shall all be required to give an account of our stewardship, and whilst the believer will not come into condemnation, woe unto him who has profaned the sacred Name. On that Day shall we know our full salvation, for “beloved, we are God’s children now: it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” O happy Day!

Matt 24:30  John 14:3  Acts 1:1  Phil 3:20  1 Thes 4:15-16  2 Thes 1:7  Titus 2:13  James 5:9  Heb 9:28 Heb10:25  Matt 24:36  2 Cor 5:10  2 Tim 4:1



We believe that the scriptures teach a Sabbath rest. Following the example of the early Church we believe that we need to set aside the first day of the week as holy unto the Lord. While we are reluctant to ask all Christians to abstain from secular work on that day, we would stress the need to be consecrated for worship. It is in the attendance at corporate worship that we built up in Christ and we are able to avail ourselves of all means of grace, with devotion. We therefore hold to the principle and would stress that this law of God is for the benefit of His people and a day of rest must be taken.

Where for secular reasons there is no opportunity for corporate worship, a person should make his own provision for prayer, worship and meditating upon the word of God.

Exodus 20:8-11  Matt 11:29  Heb 3:11



We believe that the scriptures teach that the sanctification of the believer is the process by which we are participants of the holiness of God, which is a progressive and an on-going work, which begins with regeneration; and develops in the faithful heart the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the seal and strength of God. This work is observed in all those means appointed by God chief among which are: the reading and understanding of the word of God, personal conviction, a denial of self in a cross-carrying walk, standing firm in trial and tribulation, personal and corporate prayer and practicing and fulfilling all godly work,

2 Cor 7:1  Rom 6:6  Gal 5:24  Col 2:9-12  Col 3:1-3  1 Cor 6:15  1 Thes 5:23



We believe that the scriptures teach that those truly regenerated, born of the spirit, will not fall away to perish hopelessly, but will persevere to the end, that this perseverance, being joined to Christ, is the clear sign which distinguishes them from those who make a superficial profession. Those who so persevere will find that all things do work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose, being kept, guarded and shielded by God

John 10:28  Romans 11:29  Phil 1:6  2 Pet 1:10  2 Tim 1:12  2 Tim 4:18



We believe that the scriptures teach that the law of God is the unalterable eternal rule of His moral government, holy, just and good. The only reason for the inability to fulfil its precepts is the sinful nature of man, from which the believer is set free through grace as a fruit of the gospel of Christ.

1 John 5:3  Romans 1:16



We believe that the scriptures teach the church of Jesus Christ is a called out assembly of believers, baptised by immersion, and in communion with the Living Christ and with all the saints who practice the laws of Christ, and do all things in accordance with the law. The gifts, rights and privileges that are hers are all clearly discerned in those same scripture. Oversight of the church is through under-shepherds who project the care and love of Christ towards His own and are more clearly spelt out in the instructions of the Lord contained in the letters of Paul to Timothy and Titus.


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