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Be Listeners and Doers of the Word 📖

Writer's picture: Adam BamforthAdam Bamforth

Week 3 Small Group (Wednesday). Focussing on James 1:19-27

Why is it so hard to be a good listener? Why should we be good listeners? I’m sure we can all think of a situation where communications haven’t been as clear as they could be, or where the other person has misunderstood you. The clarity in communications is paramount, but so is listening. 👂🏻

God desires us to have a consistent Christian life, one where we both speak and listen to others with love. He also wants us to be listeners of the Word, and doers! 🔨

When we are quick to listen and slow to speak, we are slow to anger.😡 When we’re angry it forms a barrier between you and God and you and others. This is why James is so focused on it and says that anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. We looked at Micah 6:8 to see three attributes He does want to see in us. To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly. This is the Gospel heart that has been planted in us as His disciples.

When we follow Christ, we are under the new covenant – the “Perfect Law”. He has freed us. 🔓 Set us free in harmony with God and free to love others. He doesn’t want us to be religious, but rather true religion is showing Gospel love to one another and to lead a Christian life. A Christian life that is not compromised by the world. We are to have Godly values, attributes, and virtues. To do this we must stay away from polluting influences and show our love through caring for the most vulnerable of our society and all those that are in need. ❤️

Keeping the thinking going…

Take some time to think about what distracts you from your time with God. Block out some time over the next week or so, clear your mind and listen.

Ask God to help you be a better listener and doer of the Word.


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