As we edge towards the end of the year, we wanted to provide a brief update about some of the exciting things that have happened over the last few months.
At the AGM in August, Pastor Adam shared Tottenham Baptist's 3 pillar strategy in line with our vision and in line with our mission; Love God, Love Others, and Share the Gospel.

Under each of these pillars are some focus areas that will help us achieve our mission and move us closer to the vision of the church.

Three steps forward
Youth leaders appointed
It is with great excitement that we've been able to announce Bethany and Alyssa as our new Youth Leaders. Youth need guidance and support as they navigate through the most challenging part of their development and seek to grow in their walk with Christ, and we believe with these two we have found two individuals who are up to the challenge of leading our youth into the future.
Along with the leadership development that the Diaconate has completed this year, Bethany and Alyssa will be taking part in their own leadership development pathway next year supported by Tottenham and the Baptist Union of Victoria.
Please pray for these two young women as they take the reigns of our youth programming. Pray for our youth and their families. Pray for the next generation who will continue to be Christ's beacon into the world.
Partnerships including Kids Hope
A large part of the strategy presented is about the church being more present in the local community. As a key enabler to do this we must rely on strong partnerships with existing organisations that operate in the community. This provides us with additional opportunities to serve and engage with those in the neighbourhood.
To support this strategy, we have created a new ministry called "Partnerships" under Outreach. Flavia (Deacon) will head up the ministry team, with the first focus being to engage with Kids Hope. This fantastic organisation is Australia’s largest early intervention, school-based mentoring program for children experiencing vulnerability.
We will be looking for other opportunities to link and partner with groups focused on kingdom activities in the new year and beyond.
Please pray for Flavia and this new ministry as we look to engage with the local community through various groups and organisations. Pray for Kids Hope, our mentors and our local schools and children.
Facility Plans - Short Term Jobs
The Diaconate has been taking part in leadership development activities over the last 12 months. As part of this, we read and reflected on Andy Stanley's Deep and Wide book on creating churches unchurched people love to attend. In line with this and our strategy, we have embarked on doing some short-term updates to the facilities.
Overhauling the Multipurpose Room
Currently used for Sunday school and Youth recreation, it will continue to be used for this, but we're hoping that you won't recognise the room in a few weeks! Better storage, less clutter, better furniture, new look.
A Fresh face on an old friend - Our Chapel
Another area where, while nothing is wrong, it's not right either. We're used to it, but newcomers aren't and we want them to feel that the building is as warm as its community is, and the Chapel just isn't welcoming right now. It needs some small repairs and painting, along with a floor that doesn't look like we pulled the carpet up 5 years ago and never fixed it up.
Hall Entrance - inside and out
Part of this is the feel we want when people walk by, part of this is the necessity of maintenance. The front weatherboards need repair and we need a new pouch (due to water damage). Adding a new sign and clearing out the "flower beds" will change the outlook of the building to a vibrant place to belong.
We have a few other jobs to do and we're still keen to get going on some of the medium-term jobs that we've planned, but we're on our way!
Please pray for a carpenter who can complete some of the specialised jobs identified. Pray for an active and motivated group of people who can complete some of the work and transform the facilities. Please pray for God to be across our plans; short, medium, and eventually long-term, so that we can continue to be God's beacon in the community.
