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How do we think of Jesus? 📖

Writer's picture: Adam BamforthAdam Bamforth

Week 3 Small Group (Monday). Focussing on Colossians 1:15-23

The Colossians were not a church Paul that established. He was told of the various heresies creeping in. One of these was the idea that Jesus was not God, but rather a messenger from God. As a result, he responded to the group. Who Jesus is, has massive implications to what He did on the cross. ➕

We now have many names for Jesus; Saviour, Lord, Teacher, Good Shepherd, Lamb of God, Son of Man, Redeemer, to name a few. Here we see Paul focus on who Jesus is. He is the perfect likeness, a copy of God, (Hebrews 1:3 speaks of an express image, like a coin stamped with the same picture). Jesus is fully God in every way. He was the architect of creation, He is the firstborn, the highest rank, and the rightful heir to the inheritance. He is much more than this. He holds things together, He sustains us, maintaining power and balance. He is head of the church, giving us life and direction. He is God incarnate.

Through Him and because of who Jesus is, we are able to be reconciled back to God. We were alienated and estranged from God because of our wretched sin, but know, through the fullness of Christ’s deity, we have been justified. Jesus is completely sufficient. As the perfect and unblemished lamb of God He was able to take our place on the cross, taking the penalty we are owed. He has paid our debt through the everlasting act of grace. ❤️

Keeping the thinking going…

Do Paul’s words change who we think Jesus is?

Knowing or reconfirming this, (verse 23), Paul says it is to this, the Gospel, that He has become a servant, a servant of Christ. How can we better serve our God?

Is there anyone in your sphere of influence that needs to hear who Jesus is?

Is there a better way for them to hear about God’s reconciling grace than from you?


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