Starting with Abraham, (Sarah), Jacob, and Joseph (on the Hall of Faith - Hebrews 11).
Israel splitting after King Soloman's reign (after he had built the 1st Temple).
Assyrian Empire conquering the Northern Kingdom - Israel (first part of the Exile).
Babylonian Empire conquering the Southern Kingdom - Judah, and the destruction of Jeruselum (completion of the Exile).
The Persian Empire then allowing the return from Exile - where Nehemiah led the 3rd wave of return. 2nd Temple was built.
The period between the Testaments sees the rise and the end of Alexander the Great.
Followed, during Jesus's earthly ministry, by Rome ruling (occupying) the area we now call Israel.
After Jesus's death and resurrection, Rome crushed a Jewish revolt which saw the 2nd Temple destroyed (70AD).
Book of Revelation written between 94-96AD (later date interpretation held by most scholars).
