Week 5 Small Group (Monday). Focussing on Colossians 2:1-10
Paul’s goal is to encourage us in heart, unite us in love, ❤️ and provide us with complete understanding - through the truth that is Jesus Christ.
Paul continues to directly respond to the issues the church in Colossae were experiencing. Heresies that Jesus was less than God, that works were needed for salvation, that hidden knowledge was required, and that the flesh was evil so why would God become incarnated through Jesus. Paul corrects these errors by showing us that we are complete in the fullness of Jesus. We do not need to rely on anything else. Jesus is sufficient! ✝️
While some people are captivated and captured by slick ideas and deception, we are to be freed through the work of Jesus. We have been freed by the love and the grace of the cross. Through this knowledge, we are rooted like a plant. Our roots deep in the Word of God. Through the daily nourishment of our walk with Christ, we are built up and strengthened. 💪🏼
We are able to stop relying on man-made solutions and turn to Jesus Christ as King of our lives.
He is the head over every power and authority (Verse 10b)
Keeping the thinking going...
We live in a world full of information, where anyone with a camera and internet access can share their view. How are we rooted in the Word of God so that we can cling to the truth that is the good news of Christ?
When we feel powerless, confused, and weak do we pray to Jesus Christ for His wisdom, His strength, and His peace - for we are complete in Christ! 🙏🏻